Thursday, April 9, 2009

Once again it has been a long time since I have written here, but since school has been going, my time seems to be more limited. I will try to update as well as possible.
We had a beautiful few days of sun and warm weather last week. I was so happy because my winter clothes that I brought are limited so I was pleased to be able to bust out the summer wear again. Unfortunately this week we arent so lucky, rain and cold. But whatever, the weather doesnt affect my mood much.
This week in school I actually felt like I understood what was going on which was a great accomplishment for me. I am starting to forget English words also, which makes me happy that I am actually learning Spanish. One thing I must mention about school. Apparently in Chile, you have to bring all your specimens that you will dissect to class. Last week I had to go to the market and buy a congrio, type of fish. This week my lab partner had to hunt in her backyard for frogs. Next weeks assignment is to bring in reptiles. I find this so odd that we have to buy our own animals then kill them in class too! O yes, the frogs we brought in were live. :)

Last week was the futbol game for the World Cup qualifier of Chile against Uruguay. We unfortunately tied, but the game was so much fun! Chileans have so much love and pride for their country. Every minute they were chanting and shouting cheers for their country mates. Although a great time, it was not as crazy as I expected: no riots, overbearing crowds, etc. I have begun to realize that I should not believe every thing people tell me here. All of our host families told us to get to the stadium 5 hours early right when it opens because if not, we will not have seats. Ha, we got there super early and there was like no one there. Its all good though, a good time was has by all and I finally got to go to Santiago.

Then last Friday my host family had a birthday party to attend to so I went along and invited my gringa friend Kelsey. This party was for their niece who was turning 30, so it was a big deal. I spent all Friday afternoon helping decorate, prepare food, etc. The party was in a small beach town next to Viña called Reñaca. The party was overlooking the ocean and was absolutely gorgeous. I just would like to say how much I love my host family though. I got to spend time with them outside the house and see them interact with other family members. And man, my parents love to dance. We dance, chatted, and watch some drunk karoke. We got back super late in the morning, but it was totally worth it.

Since this is holy week, we do not have school tomorrow, so I am heading off to Mendoza Argentina tonight! We will only be there for like 2 days, but it will be good to see something new. I havent traveled yet while I´ve been here, so I am pretty pumped to do some exploring. Happy Easter to all!

1 comment:

  1. One of my teachers in Costa Rica told us the same store about the Usnavy haha....
